Many of my clients use the TENS machine. See here for an explanation of how the TENS works. The use of the TENS is hugely under-rated for early labour, during active labour and I discovered recently that it is also awesome for post birth contractions! Many insurance companies will cover the cost of
Water Birth
The benefits of water for pain are huge! You don't have to birth the baby in water it is also great just for the pain relief! Placing a pool of water in a birth room changes the atmosphere immediately. Voices get softer, the mother stays calmer and everyone becomes less stressed. The effect
Is water really effective for pain relief?
When you discovered you were pregnant and you started thinking about the birth of your baby did you think about water as an option for pain management? You would not be alone if your answer was NO! So whats so amazing about water? The benefits are huge! Placing a pool of water in a birth